Remote Deposit Two Ways

Save a trip to the bank and improve your cash flow! Phelps County Bank has two options for remote deposit, giving businesses the ability to safely deposit checks electronically. 
Option One - with your Smart Phone
This is ideal for businesses that deposit a small batch of checks on a daily or weekly basis. Simply:
1.  Open your PCB Mobile App
2.  Take a front and back picture of your check
3.  Hit the submit button and we’ll take it from there, depositing the check into your account
Option Two - with a Desktop Check Scanner
This is ideal for businesses that deposit a large number of checks on a daily or weekly basis. Our business services team will coordinate the installation and training at your place of business. Here's how it works:
1.  Connect the scanner to your computer.
2.  Scan the batch of checks you’ve received.
3.  Let our software do the rest, putting those funds in your account just like a deposit at the bank.

This quick video can tell you more about PCB's Remote Deposit with a desktop scanner: